Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Official 100th Post

This is my official 100th blog post.

It's been 8 months.

I'm content at the moment where I'm at with the blog.  More importantly though, I hope it pleases God.

For Jesus.

All Catholics Are Christians, But Not All Christians Are Catholics

I got this from a friend's recent post:


Ever get that question, "Are you Catholic or Christian?"  Well, most likely, the person who asked this question is one of the following:

(a) Protestant;
(b) an un-catechized Catholic;
(c) a person who doesn't know history.

Of course, a Protestant wouldn't call themselves that really (unless they know their history) and simply say "I'm a Christian."

And for those in need of a beyond-the-basic point: Vatican II in Lumen Gentium taught that the fullness of Christianity "subsists" in the Catholic Church.  This means that the Church that Christ founded is substantially found in the Catholic Church. 

Partial truths remain in other Christian communities, but Christ founded one Church and one Church only.  There is only one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church founded by Jesus.

That's a 2,000 year-old fact.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Have Mercy on Me, Jesus!

I've been reading St. Faustina's Diary

Have mercy on me, O God, in Jesus's name and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

I trust in Your mercy.  Have mercy on me.  Jesus, save me.  Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me a sinner.

In Jesus's name.


Friday, May 25, 2012

(Another Picture of) Peter Taking Jesus's Hand

Three months ago, I posted a picture HERE of Jesus taking Peter's hand to prevent him from sinking in the water.

Today, class, I'd like to post another version of it here, with a brief prayer:

Save us, Lord, for we are sinking.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Doxology & Changing Diapers

During Mass today, I had to change my little baby's diaper.  I went to the diaper changing station at the parish restroom.  I left some time after the consecration.  There was no way to wait to change the diaper.

As I changed my baby's dirty diaper, I knew the priest was praying the doxology. 

The doxology is when the priest glorifies the Father, through the Son, in the Spirit.  He elevates the Body and Blood of Christ as he prays this.

In the English speaking world, there is a new translation for this.  Click HERE for the updated translation.

At that moment, it was when I offered in my heart, mind, soul and strength.  I also offered up the cares of my family life with an act of the will.  I offered up the mundane moment of changing smelly diapers.

I united everything ordinary that I had experienced for the glory of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Eucharist is the source and summit of all Christian life.  All Christian activity flows from the Eucharist, and all Christian activity returns to the Eucharist.  The changing table in front of me was united to the Altar of Sacrifice in that church, and that altar in that church offered the very same sacrifice of Calvary over 2,000 years ago.

Even dirty diapers can be transformed into a salvific act.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Christ is Risen! (And So Have I...Sort Of)

You may have seen a notable absence these past few months.

Perhaps I'll one day explain the needed absence, but let's just say for now that the eagle has landed.

A few days ago, we celebrated the most important day in the liturgical calendar: The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus.

He is Risen!  Alleluia!

I have, too, in the sense that I'm back to this blog.  The last blog post being in February.  It was a spring break of sorts.

* * *

Today, class, I'd like to share with you a selection from St. Faustina's Diary.

During my Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament a few minutes ago, I randomly turned to Number 634.  Here, Jesus said the following to the Secretary of Divine Mercy:

Fear not, because the difficulties you encounter will fulfill My will.

I cite this here because for the past few weeks, I have been in the state of desolation, and this passage put me at peace once again.  Desolation in the Ignatian sense where God doesn't console the soul.  After these words from Our Lord, the Mother of Jesus spoke.  These were not the exact words, but I paraphrase them here as I remember them in my heart:

Prepare the world for the Second Coming of Christ with the Divine Mercy.  Now is the time of mercy, for when Our Lord returns it will be a terrible day.  Even angels tremble before that day.  Don't remain silent, because on Judgment Day you will have to account for many souls.  I am with you.

When Mary talked about remaining silent, it reminded me about my call to teach the faith.  I cannot remain silent.  I must be faithful.

So today after Holy Hour, my soul was put at great peace.  It is the peace of Jesus Christ.  I haven't been at this state in quite a while.

Thank you, God.  Thank you.  Forgive me.


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pray for the United States

For today's post, I just want to simply ask for prayers for the United States.  Satan is a master strategist, and he knows that he must attack the decent foundations of the American people in order to infect the world with his rebellion against the Almighty King of Heaven.  Pray during the 2012 election year.  In this battle, let us turn to the Mother of Jesus, she who is revealed in Lk. 1, for protection, as we see in Rev. 12.  May the Woman crush the head of the serpent for the glory of her Son, Jesus Christ, in His Most Precious Name we pray.  Amen.

Class dismissed.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My HOT Response to Opinion Editorial "Virginity is Not Hot!"

Mr. P.'s Choice for "Teacher of the Month Award" (Oct. 2011)

Drum roll please...

Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da...

...and this month's choice for Teacher of the Month is....

da da da da da da da da da da....

...wait for it.............

...da da da da da da da da da ....

...da da da da da da da da doctor is in!

It gives Mr. P. great pleasure to announce that Dr. Mary Davenport has been chosen for October's Teacher of the Month.

Mary Davenport, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.,

State of the Blog Address: After 6 Months

I'm hitting the 3,000 mark soon.  That's an average of 500 page visits per month since Mr. P.'s Classroom Page started.

The current Top Ten popular posts are:

Popular Posts


From the Homily on Exorcism

Well, class, it's almost 6am, and I'm up and at 'em. 

Yesterday evening, I heard the following story from the priest's homily.  The Gospel was Jesus exorcizing a demon that the Apostles could not drive out.  Our Blessed Lord said, as was recorded by the end of the Gospel, that that particular demon could only be driven out by prayer.

Father said that there was a story, I believe in either South or Central America, where a number of priests who were authorized to conduct exorcisms were unsuccessful.  Eventually, the local bishop asked a certain priest known for his humility to perform the exorcism.  The priest did it out of humility and obedience to his bishop.  Immediately, the demon left, and it was attributed to the priest's obedience to his bishop.

Pretty cool, huh?

Class dismissed.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Contrast of Body of Christ with Condoms (WARNING: Visual image for mature audiences)

(WARNING: Visual image for mature audiences.)


The Lord's Body?

Or the human body?

One says, "This is my body, which I give up entirely for you."

The other says, "This is MY body, which I do not give up entirely for you."

ANSWER: We worship the Lord's Body in the Eucharist.

The modern world of relativism worships the cult of one's body, but we must transform that into the cult or worship and love of the Eucharist in which humanity finds its deepest source of true happiness.

Consequences of Artificial Birth Control

In conscience, I am duty-bound by love for God’s people to once again speak the truth regardless of consequence.  I would really much prefer not to, like the fleeing Jonah or the reluctant Jeremiah or the young Samuel, especially on difficult moral issues of the day, but my conscience tells me that my judgment before the awesome God of Love would be more severe if I do not open my mouth.  I asked the Lord to send someone else for this task, since there are still so many things in my life I need to sort out first, but He says to me speak my Word to my people since I have given you so many gifts and opportunities to live and teach my holy doctrines and to learn moral theology and that to whom much is given much will be expected.  

Pope Paul VI foresaw the consequences of artificial contraception in 1968: (1) A general lowering of morality; (2) the degradation and objectification of women; (3) an increase in marital infidelity; and (4) coercion by governments for manipulative population control.  We are seeing this last foreseeable consequence now with the President’s persecution of the Catholic Church in the U.S.  Not only in the U.S. but we are also seeing this play out in the Philippines, where our loving Father is King and Mary is Queen of the land, through the diabolical RH Bill.

The Church doesn’t teach that conception must occur after each marital act but rather that each marital act must be open to human life.  “Contraceptive sex” is not true sex but rather an act turned in on itself rather than the other.  As a great alternate that respects the moral law, Natural Family Planning is a wonderful gift to learn.  This is not Rhythm.  Let me repeat that: This is not Rhythm.  Oh, did I say that it’s not Rhythm?!  NFP as it is sometimes called is an exciting way for married couples to discover the beauty of the feminine body.  God is a genius in creating the female body, and married life is a great way to discover this together.

My sense is that many Catholics have been neutralized to speak in the public forum on this difficult issue, even if they were to agree with this.  I suspect this to be the case because I find that many Catholics are sincere in their faith and want to do what’s right even through weaknesses.  So other than educating the faithful with charity and mutual respect, I close here knowing that I can sleep in peace for having taught the Lord’s flock as it has been handed on to me and, by virtue of my baptismal call to evangelization, I hand on to you in season and out of season. 

God forgive me for my reluctance, weaknesses and cowardice like Peter, for fleeing at the sight of the wolves, and for leaving the lambs to fend off for themselves.  But may I and you and others given authority to teach the Faith say, in conscience, at the end of the day, yes, Lord, you know that I love you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Comic Strip: 20 Great Reasons to Homeschool

"Random" Conversation in a Check-Out Line with a Guy About His Dying Mother

As I stood in line to get gas the other day, the man in front of me had a conversation with the cash register clerk.

Clerk: I haven't seen your mother.  How is she doing?
Man: She was released from the hospice.  She used to buy beer from here.
Clerk: The hospital?  Yeah, I haven't seen her in a while.
Man: A hospice.  She has liver failure.  She was sent home to die.
Clerk: ....
Man: buying some beer
Me: I'm sorry to hear about it.
Man: Thank you.
Me: I'll pray for her.
Man: I appreciate that, sir.
Me: Be strong for her.

He walks out and I give the clerk some cash for gas.

I had to muster up some strength.  I understood, in part, the horror that this man felt.  I made it a point to talk about prayer, even though he was a complete stranger.  I thought of evangelization in the public.

The clerk didn't know what to say.  She was just a regular customer for him.  But for me, she was a redeemed soul for Jesus Christ.

This moment reminded me what life was all about.

Class dismissed.


I continued to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with the intention of this dying woman.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Thought from St. Francis de Sales

I know I'm a day late.  Today's actually the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.

I just wanted to note one thought that has been on my mind about the writings of the "gentleman saint".

He talks about God using a chisel to mold a piece of art.  St. Francis de Sales noted that sometimes it really hurts when God has to use a hammer to chisel away something hard in the spiritual life.  Other times, God isn't so hard and is more delicate.

In times when it is hard and painful it is so, he continues, because of pride and hardness of heart.  Well, I don't think he used those exact words, but the idea is the same.  It is hard for God to chisel away something because of the hardness of our sins.  It would be easier for Him to mold us if we just let him and not resist the Divine Artist.

Class dismissed.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

On Shopping with the Kids

So today I did the shopping by my-lonesome-self with the three kids while the wife took care of another matter.

I had my Little Princess strapped to me on a Byorne-thinggamaggigy, while the two boys played in the two-seater shopping cart.  My hands were literally full.

I don't know about you parents with more than three kids, but I wonder: Do you get the same smiles that I get?  I'm sure you get comments.

Anyways, as I walked around the grocery store, people just stared at me....and smiled.

I smiled back.

The smiling wanted to make me smile even though people weren't looking at me. 

I wondered to myself, "What are they thinking?  Maybe they think I have a handful....nah.   Maybe they're thinking what my friend who has five kids once told me when he gets comments like 'Are they all yours'?....possibly.  Or maybe they're wondering how I'm gonna manage grabbing the onions with the Tilapia fish while holding on to my precious little one...perhaps."

When I had one kid, I really didn't get the looks.  When I had two kids, the comments tended to be "So are you going to have more?"  Now with three I tend to get "So this is it for you, right?"  And so on and so forth.  I think they mean well, but statements really reflect -- how can I say this gently and kindly -- a distorted contraceptive mentality which has pervaded the culture.

But that mentality I think I'll save for another day, another time.  Right message; wrong the saying goes.  I believe the term has been used in theological circles to describe an environment in the current Culture of Death and Dictatorship of Relativism which is now on the rise.

I'll think I'll stick to the smiles for now.  Yes, I'll assume good intent.

Smiles on Aisle 7 please.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton & the New U.S. Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

Okay class,

It's most fitting for Mr. P.'s Classroom to honor a Catholic school saint.

She was an devout Episcopalian convert to Catholicism, after her husband died.  Episcopalians are really offshoots of the Church of England....or the Church of Anglan....or the Anglican Church....or as some Catholics like to refer to it the Anglican Communion.

She is most fitting to mention considering that the U.S. has a new personal ordinariate, which is similar to a national diocese, for Anglicans in the U.S. to come in to full communion with the Catholic Church.

So on this occasion of this saint, this is once more a friendly invitation yet again for the millions of Anglicans and Episcopalians to once again come home to the Catholic Church.  We invite you to take another look WITHOUT losing your Anglican patrimony.  In fact, bring them all in.  Y'all come, now!!!  Y'all are welcome, you hear?!  Come with love!  Come with the open arms of Holy Mother Church!  Come home and share the same Bread of Life with us once more.

If there was another saint, other than St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, to whom I would trust this cause it would be St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.  She's probably had a big hand in this happening from heaven.  She knows and understands the intricacies of coming to the Catholic Church.

But I can see why the Chair of St. Peter became the name of the Ordinariate in the U.S. instead of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.  The times call for an emphasis on the role of the Chair of St. Peter.  Peter and his successors play a vital -- an essential role -- in Christianity.  Peter is the sign of unity. 

St. Elizabeth lived the reality of coming to the Catholic Church in her day.  For you, dear reader, then, who is considering becoming Catholic, ask this beautiful saint what do to.  She'll help you.  For you widows, she's a great patroness.  If you're a teaching Sister, she's a great patroness.  If you're sending your kid to a Catholic school, she's a great patroness, too. 

After all, she also established a Catholic school in Baltimore in 1808, and founded a religious community of teaching sisters in 1809.

In our time when Catholic school closures are becoming more common, let us once again renew our commitment to the New Evangelization.  We must find new ways of servicing the young who had the unfortunate happenstance of their Catholic school closing.

For now, let us pray.  Mr. P.'s classroom, in a way, is a bit of a virtual Catholic school, but without the walls and every traditional way of looking at a school.

Learn her life, dear class.  May there be more American saints in the future to come.

St. Elizabeth Seton, pray for us!

St. John Henry Newman, pray for us!

HW: Study the lives of these two saints.

Class dismissed.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Praise be the Holy Name of Jesus!

Today, we celebrate the Memorial of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.  No other name under heaven and earth can save humanity.....NO OTHER NAME!!  Only Jesus's name saves.

But I want to focus on something else today.

Before Mass, I was experiencing a horrible temptation.  That strong temptation took place during Mass, too.  There was also a mix of my carrying my Cross during this temptation.  I felt that I was really carrying my Cross.

However, earlier in the day, I had seen an episode on the Passionist Nuns of Kentucky.  It was a very simple video, but there was a scene that moved me greatly.  The Mother Superior of the community was explaining the life of the founder of the Order, St. Paul of the Cross.  When the camera focused on a picture of Paul of the Cross, I was drawn to an image of Jesus carrying His Cross looking at Paul of the Cross.

Jesus had a smile on His beautiful face as He carried His Cross and looked at St. Paul of the Cross.

They seemed to be best friends at that moment.

Well, today at Mass as I brought my temptations and agony to Mass, I remember during the Offertory making my gift before the altar as I was in the cry room (or room for those with babies).  I was on the floor at that moment when I made my offering in my state.  I didn't think myself much to give to God.  I gave it.  Then, during the consecration of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, as I was weighed down with temptation and the agony of my own Cross, I imagined myself struggling beneath the weight of the Cross.  I imagined Jesus to my right, and I drew whatever strength I could from His passion.

I imagined myself looking at his face and Him turned to me, also under the weight of His Cross which bore the sins of the world.  My Cross was only a feather in comparison.  During the consecration, I normally picture Jesus on the Cross at Calvary, but this time, He was crouched down to my right looking at me.

It gave me strength and filled me with a consolation I had not had in a while.  My Jesus knew what I was going through.  I felt tired but He raised me up with His own tiredness.

That image of St. Paul of the Cross and Jesus looking at I love that image!

And Jesus smiling as if pleased....I love that image, too!

That's what He did to me.

He looked at me at Mass.  He saw me fall with the weight of my Cross, oppressed in temptation and agony.

I followed Him at that moment.

The oppression was gone, even though the Cross remained.  The temptation ceased.

I will have find that image I saw and post it here one day.  It's either a painting or a cartoon drawing of some sort of St. Paul of the Cross.

St. Paul of the Cross seems to like my family.  But that's for another blog.

After I told my wife this story, she quoted something from St. John of the Cross.  But that's for another blog, too.

I've written entire journal of such experiences I've had that I've only shared with my spiritual director and my wife.  This is one of the first times I'm posting it in a blog.  I hope it helps others who it read carry their own Cross.

Praised be the Most Holy Name of Jesus!

Class dismissed.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome Home, Anglicans!!!

Congratulations and welcome back home, Anglicans & Episcopalians! Ut Unum Sint ("That All May Be One")!!!

An "ordinariate" is equivalent to a diocese as a way for Anglicans (& Episcopalians which are really like Anglicans in the U.S.) to re-unite or enter the Catholic Church.  
CLICK HERE for Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter in the USA.
It is headed by a former Anglican bishop who is married with three kids and became Catholic and was ordained a Catholic priest.  As a professor of patristics and educated at Ivy universities, this guy sure knows his Church history!

This is an historic first of its kind since King Henry VIII's break from the Church in the 16th Century (around the time of the Protestant Revolt) and Henry's establishment of the Anglican Communion. For an introduction to the beginnings of the Anglican Communion, see Academy Award-Winning movie “A Man for All Seasons” (1966) on the life of St. Thomas More.

Ut Unum Sint, my Lord Jesus! Thank you for this gift! Ut Unum Sint!