Here's a resource for Catholic Church documents on the Bible. Click here for the site.
Some of the things you'll find:
Catholic Church Documents related to Biblical Studies
compiled by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.
Newly Released:
Documents from Recent Ecumenical Councils:
It was the Catholic Church which put the Bible together, and it is the Catholic Church that is the authentic interpreter of Sacred Scripture.
And so, class, let us recall a phrase from St. Augustine (354-430), Doctor of the Church.
“I would not believe the Gospel if the authority of the Catholic Church did not compel me.”
HW: Read the Bible!
Some of the things you'll find:
compiled by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.
Newly Released:
- Verbum Domini ("The Word of the Lord") – the "post-synodal apostolic exhortation," resulting from the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which met in Rome on Oct. 5-26, 2008, and was devoted to "The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church."
Documents from Recent Ecumenical Councils:
- SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL: DEI VERBUM ("Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation" - November 18, 1965)
- English translation from the Vatican website; other copies in English also at CIN
- Spanish translation and several other languages also available from the Vatican website
- See also my Outline of Dei Verbum, as compared to the biblical section of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- First Vatican Council: Dei Filius ("Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith" - April 24, 1870)
- Session III, see esp. Chapter II - "On Revelation"; Chapter III - "On Faith"; Canon II - "On Revelation"; and Canon III - "On Faith"
- Council of Trent (ed. J. Waterworth, 1848; another copy online at EWTN Library):
- Session IV, First Decree ("Concerning the Canonical Scriptures" - April 8, 1546)
- Session IV, Second Decree ("Concerning the Edition and Use of the Sacred Books" - April 8, 1546)
- Session V, Second Decree ("Concerning Reform" - June 17, 1546)
- Part One: The Profession of Faith; Section One: "I Believe" - "We Believe"; Chapter Two: God Comes to Meet Man
- Article 1 (par. 51-73): "The Revelation of God"
- Article 2 (par. 74-100): "The Transmission of Divine Revelation"
- Article 3 (par. 101-141) "Sacred Scripture"
- Spanish translation and several other languages also available from the Vatican website
- Article 1; Article 2; Article 3 also available in English at the ChristusRex website
- "The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church" (April 15, 1993) - one large file, or several smaller files for faster download
- Published in Origins 23.29 (Jan. 6, 1994) 497-524; another online copy available at the EWTN Library
- On the Vatican website in German, Italian, Portugese, and Swahili (but not English!)
- See also "Interpreting the Bible: Three Views" - three analyses of this PBC document, from First Things Magazine
- "Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels" (a.k.a. "Sancta Mater Ecclesia"; April 21, 1964)
- See also J. Fitzmyer, "The Biblical Commission's Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels," TS 25 (1964) 386-408
- A different English translation is also available in CBQ 26 (1964) 299-312.
- All documents issued by the PBC - listed in chronological order, from the Vatican Website
- See esp. "The Jewish People and Their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible" (May 24, 2001)
- See also Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger: "On the Relationship between the Magisterium and Exegetes" (May 10, 2003) - an address presented "On the 100th Anniversary of the Pontifical Biblical Commission"; another copy at EWTN Library
- Pope Leo XIII:
- Encyclical Providentissimus Deus ("On the Study of Holy Scripture" - November 18, 1893)
- Apostolic Letter Vigilantiae Studiique ("Instituting a Pontifical Commission for Biblical Studies" - October 30, 1902)
- Pope Pius X:
- Apostolic Letter Quoniam in re biblica ("On the Study of Scripture in Seminaries" - March 27, 1906)
- Encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis ("On the Doctrines of the Modernists" - September 8, 1907) - another copy at CIN
- Motu Propio Letter Praestantia Scripturae Sacrae ("On the Decisions of the Biblical Commission" - November 18, 1907 - on Vatican website in Latin and Italian; English version at EWTN Library)
- Apostolic Letter Vinea Electa ("Establishing the Pontifical Biblical Institute" - May 7, 1909 - on Vatican website only in Latin)
- Pope Benedict XV:
- Encyclical Spiritus Paraclitus ("On St. Jerome" - September 15, 1920)
- Pope Pius XI:
- Motu Propio Letter Bibliorum Scientiam ("On Academic Standards for Teachers of Scripture" - April 27, 1924)
- Pope Pius XII:
- Encyclical DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU ("On the Most Opportune Way to Promote Biblical Studies" - September 30, 1943) - another copy from CIN
- Encyclical Humani Generis ("On Certain False Opinions Threatening to Undermine the Foundations of Catholic Doctrine" - August 12, 1950) - see esp. paragraphs 21-25 & 35-39
- Pope Paul VI:
- Apostolic Letter Sedula Cura ("On New Laws Regulating the Pontifical Biblical Commission" - June 27, 1971) - in Latin and Italian only
- Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission: "On the Ecclesial Role of Biblical Studies" (March 14, 1974) - in French only
- Pope John Paul II:
- Apostolic Constitution Scripturarum Thesaurus: "Promulgating the Neo-Vulgate Edition of the Holy Bible" (April 25, 1979) - Latin text from the Vatican Website; English Translation at EWTN Library
- Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission: "On the Biblical Sciences and the Teaching Office of the Church" (April 26, 1979) - original French text; Italian translation also available on the Vatican website
- Address Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Dei Verbum (Dec. 14, 1990) - on Vatican website in French and Italian only
- Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission: "On the Nature of Catholic Interpretation of the Bible" (April 11, 1991) - on Vatican website in French and Italian only
- Address on the Interpretation of the Bible in the Church (April 23, 1993) - on Vatican website in French, Italian, Portugese, and Swahili; English translation in Daughters of St. Paul edition of "The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church"
- Address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: "Truth Cannot Contradict Truth" (October 22, 1996) - from the New Advent website
- Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission: "On the Role of the Old Testament for Knowing Jesus" (April 11, 1997) - Italian text and Portuguese translation from Vatican website; English translation at EWTN Library
- Address to a Conference on Biblical Language and Media (Sept. 28, 1998) - brief welcoming address
- Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission (April 29, 2003) - brief welcoming address
- Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission (April 20, 2004) - brief welcoming address
- Pope Benedict XVI:
- Address to the Participants in the International Congress Organized to Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation "Dei Verbum" (Sept. 16, 2005) - brief welcoming address
- Weekly Angelus Message (Nov. 6, 2005) - brief comments focusing on Dei Verbum and the Sacred Scriptures
- Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission (April 27, 2006) - brief welcoming address
- General Audience (Nov. 7, 2007) - focusing on fourth-century biblical scholar St. Jerome (part 1)
- General Audience (Nov. 14, 2007) - focusing on fourth-century biblical scholar St. Jerome (part 2)
- Address to the Members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission (April 23, 2009) - brief welcoming address
- Address to Professors, Students and Personnel of the Pontifical Biblical Institute (October 26, 2009) - on the 100th Anniversary of the foundation of the PBI
- Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio - entire Latin text, from the Vatican website - another copy at Domus Ecclesiae
- Verbum Domini ("The Word of the Lord") – the "post-synodal apostolic exhortation," resulting from the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which met in Rome on Oct. 5-26, 2008, and was devoted to "The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church"
- "The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church" - the "Instrumentum Laboris" of the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.
- "Letter to the Bishops' Conferences on the Name of God" - from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, June 29, 2008; directing the avoidance of pronouncing YHWH in liturgical contexts
- Liturgiam authenticam (Fifth Instruction "For the Right Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council"); from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (March 28, 2001)
- Responses from the Catholic Biblical Association of America: Letter to the U.S. Bishops; Presentation by Fr. Richard Clifford, S.J.
- Biblical Fundamentalism: What Every Catholic Should Know
- a short book by biblical scholar Ronald Witherup, S.S. (Liturgical Press, 2001)
- "The Fundamentalist Challenge" - a four-page flyer, by biblical scholar Raymond E. Brown, S.S. (May 1990, Catholic Update series)
- "Toward Your Happiness: Catholicism and Fundamentalism: A Contrast" - A Pastoral Letter to Catholics in Mississippi and Alabama (June 29, 1989)
- "A Pastoral Statement for Catholics on Biblical Fundamentalism" - from the U.S. bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Biblical Fundamentalism (Washington: USCCB, 1987)
- "The Proclamation of the Birth of Christ" - a.k.a. the Christmas Proclamation; published by the USCCB; here is my own comparative analysis of Old and New Translations
- Older Collections:
- Megivern, James J., ed. Official Catholic Teachings: Biblical Interpretation. Wilmington, NC: Consortium Books, 1978.
- Rome and the Study of Scripture: A collection of papal enactments on the study of Holy Scripture together with the decision of the Biblical Commission. 7th edition. St. Meinrad, IN: 1962.
- Enchiridion Biblicum: documenta ecclesiastica Sacram Scripturam spectantia. 4th edition. Naples & Rome, 1961.
- Most of the above documents are also on a CD-ROM, "Welcome to the Catholic Church
," by Harmony Media, Inc.
It was the Catholic Church which put the Bible together, and it is the Catholic Church that is the authentic interpreter of Sacred Scripture.
And so, class, let us recall a phrase from St. Augustine (354-430), Doctor of the Church.
“I would not believe the Gospel if the authority of the Catholic Church did not compel me.”
HW: Read the Bible!
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