Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Catholic Church Documents on the Bible

Here's a resource for Catholic Church documents on the Bible.  Click here for the site.

Some of the things you'll find:

Catholic Church Documents related to Biblical Studies
compiled by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.

Newly Released:
  • Verbum Domini ("The Word of the Lord") – the "post-synodal apostolic exhortation," resulting from the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which met in Rome on Oct. 5-26, 2008, and was devoted to "The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church."

Documents from Recent Ecumenical Councils:
Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd edition; October 11, 1992 - from the Vatican website):
Documents of the Pontifical Biblical Commission:
Papal Documents (most available from the Vatican Website):
Neo-Vulgate Bible:
Other Biblically-Related Writings:
  • Older Collections:
    • Megivern, James J., ed. Official Catholic Teachings: Biblical Interpretation. Wilmington, NC: Consortium Books, 1978.
    • Rome and the Study of Scripture: A collection of papal enactments on the study of Holy Scripture together with the decision of the Biblical Commission. 7th edition. St. Meinrad, IN: 1962.
    • Enchiridion Biblicum: documenta ecclesiastica Sacram Scripturam spectantia. 4th edition. Naples & Rome, 1961.
  • Most of the above documents are also on a CD-ROM, "Welcome to the Catholic Church," by Harmony Media, Inc.

It was the Catholic Church which put the Bible together, and it is the Catholic Church that is the authentic interpreter of Sacred Scripture.

And so, class, let us recall a phrase from St. Augustine (354-430), Doctor of the Church.

“I would not believe the Gospel if the authority of the Catholic Church did not compel me.”

HW: Read the Bible!



    Answer Key for Pop Quiz #1: Prayer (10 ponts)

    So how'd ya do?  Each question is worth 1 point.  If you haven't taken Quiz #1 yet, click here.

    Here are the answers in bold:

    1.) Recite the Lord's Prayer.  Click here or:

    Our Father who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come.
    Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread,
    and forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us,
    and lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.

    2.)  The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the "source and summit" of all Christian life.

    3.) “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May they rest in peace.  Amen.”

    4.) The answer is letter c. Third Roman Missal will be implemented in 2011.

    5.) The Liturgy of the Hours is the official public daily prayer of the Church or click here.

    6.) "And with your spirit" will be the new response in the Holy Mass to "The Lord be with you."

    7.) Name one of the patron saints of World Youth Day in Madrid.  These patron saints, in particular, pray for World Youth Day.  If you named any one of the following, then you are correct:

    You can also click here for the official biographies of each.

    8.) Current translation of Penitential Act, Form A (Confiteor):

    I confess to almighty God,
    and to you, my brothers and sisters,
    that I have sinned through my own fault,
    in my thoughts and in my words,
    in what I have done,
    and in what I have failed to do;
    and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin,
    all the angels and saints,
    and you, my brothers and sisters,
    to pray for me to the Lord, our God.

    9.       & 10.) New translation of Penitential Act, Form A (Confiteor): 

    I confess to almighty God
    and to you, my brothers and sisters,
    that I have greatly sinned
    in my thoughts and in my words,
    in what I have done,
    and in what I have failed to do,
    through my fault, through my fault,
    through my most grievous fault;
    therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
    all the Angels and Saints,
    and you, my brothers and sisters,
    to pray for me to the Lord our God.

    EXTRA CREDIT (1 point): Which prayer did Captain America pray in the opening scene of the comic book edition of "Ultimate Captain America"?  

    Answer: The Lord's Prayer

    I Met the Man for Whom St. Max Kolbe Died

    He sobbed as he recalled how Fr. Maximilian died for him:

    The year was 1941.

    The place was Auschwitz.

    It was World War II.

    One day, a man disappeared from the death camp.

    Immediately, the Nazis rounded up all the men of the death camp and 10 men were chosen to die.

    A Nazi officer randomly picked 10 men.  One of those chosen to die was Sgt. Francis Gajowniczak.

    Upon being chosen to die, Francis cried out, "My poor poor kids...What will become of them?!"

    Can you imagine the horror of being chosen for this?!  Especially if you have a family?

    Then, all of a sudden, a voice came from the rear.

    It was Prisoner # 16670.

    The prisoner approached the Nazi officer.

    "I am a Catholic priest. I wish to die for that man. I am old; he has a wife and children." 

    The Nazi officer allowed it.  

    The 10 men were sent to the starvation bunker.  During that time, Fr. Koble comforted the men, praying with them.

    After two weeks, there were 3 still alive, including Fr. Kolbe.  A Nazi doctor came and injected poison.

    Fr. Maximilian Kolbe died as a martyr of charity.

    Francis lived about 50 years after this event.  He died in 1997.

    I heard Francis speak in San Francisco.

    I don't quite remember the year I met him, but it was either 1993 or 1994.
    I have Francis' signature somewhere.  I plan to post it when I find it and also tell the story of my encounter with the man for whom Fr. Maximilian died.

    I would be remiss if I didn't blog about St. Max Kolbe in August.  For now, enjoy this video here.

    St. Maximilian Kolbe, patron saint of the difficult 20th Century, pray for us. 

    HW: Read St. Maximilian's life.  Imitate his virtues.

    Prisoner #16670 (St. Maximilian Kolbe, OFM Conv.)

    Class dismissed.

    Tuesday, August 30, 2011

    Pop Quiz #1: Prayer (10 points)

    DIRECTIONS: Take a few minutes to test your knowledge of Christian prayer.  Each question is worth 1 point.  An answer key will appear in a future blog.  You may check other pages for the correct answer.

    1.)     Recite the Lord’s Prayer.
    2.)    Which sacrament is the “source and summit” of all Christian life?
    3.)    Complete this prayer: “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, ___________.  May they rest in peace.  Amen.”
    4.)    What edition of the Roman Missal is being implemented in 2011?
    a.)    First Roman Missal
    b.)    Second Roman Missal
    c.)     Third Roman Missal
    d.)    Fourth Roman Missal
    5.)    What is the Liturgy of the Hours?
    6.)    Later this year, what will the new response in the Holy Mass be to “The Lord be with you.”
    7.)    Name one of the patron saints of World Youth Day in Madrid.
    8.)    Fill in the blank for the current translation of Penitential Act, Form A (Confiteor):

    I confess to almighty God,
    and to you, my brothers and sisters,
    that I have _______________,
    in my thoughts and in my words,
    in what I have done,
    and in what I have failed to do;
    and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin,
    all the angels and saints,
    and you, my brothers and sisters,
    to pray for me to the Lord, our God.

    9.       & 10.) Fill in the blank for the new translation of Penitential Act, Form A (Confiteor): 

    I confess to almighty God
    and to you, my brothers and sisters,
    that I have _______ sinned
    in my thoughts and in my words,
    in what I have done
    and in what I have failed to do,
    through my fault, ______________,
    through my most grievous fault;
    therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
    all the Angels and Saints,
    and you, my brothers and sisters,
    to pray for me to the Lord our God.

    EXTRA CREDIT (1 point): Which prayer did Captain America pray in the opening scene of the comic book edition of "Ultimate Captain America"?  

    Monday, August 29, 2011

    Supporting the Holy Land: What is the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre?

    With the Pope's appointment of the Archbishop of Baltimore as the new Grand Master of this almost 1,000 year old Order, this is a great time to bring up the need to support the Christian presence in the Holy Land.

    Christians today only number between 2-4% in the Holy Land.  Only recently, they used to be at about 18%, a significant drop in recent times.

    One way to support the Church in the Holy Land, the land of Jesus' birth, death and resurrection, is through the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

    The Order supports the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.  He is the bishop of the area, but by calling him "patriarch" there is a more unique status that he enjoys as bishop.

    For more membership information about being a Knight (for men) or a Lady (for women) of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, click here.

    My two thoughts are:

    1.) Let us turn to prayer: For peace in the Middle East.  I am saddened, yet realistically hopeful for peace and justice, that the land of Jesus' birth is undergoing so much violence and turmoil.  This, of course, has consequences on the international community.

    Dear God, grant the peace of the olive branch to this Holy Land and where you have chosen to become one of us through the Incarnation of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

    2.) One of the great activities of this Order is its support of education in the Holy Land.  Not just Catholics, but Muslims and Orthodox, interact peacefully among each other through these schools.

    HW: Learn about the Holy Land.

    Class dismissed.



    Sunday, August 28, 2011

    New Translation of Mass Reflection #2: Penitential Act, Form A

    Okay, beautiful people,

    The new translation of Penitential Act Form A (Confiteor) was best explained by Dr. Edward Sri of the St. Augustine Institute in Denver, Colorado.

    In November 2011 (First Sunday of Advent), we will pray "...through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault..."

    This will be said three times instead of just once.

    Dr. Sri said it's like when you're walking in the store and you accidentally bump in to someone, you might very casually and politely say, "Oh, excuse me" and then be on your way.

    However, if you did this with someone close to you -- for example, your spouse or a good friend or your mother -- you would say something like, "Oh, honey, I'm SO sorry I hurt you" or "I'm REALLY, REALLY sorry, my friend" or "I'm really screwed up and am TRULY sorry for offending you."

    Well, by using this three-fold admission of our sins before God, we are a Church in love with Him, and we, too, like a passionate lover, tell Him that we really offend Him with our sins.

    We don't want to just say it in passing or causally like in the example above of just bumping in to someone and then saying "Oops, I'm sorry..."

    We wanna say it with our whole heart, soul, strength and mind.

    HW: Take to heart the Penitential Act, Form A


    (Confiteor) I confess to almighty God,
    and to you, my brothers and sisters,
    that I have sinned
    through my own fault,

    in my thoughts and in my words,
    in what I have done,
    and in what I have failed to do;
    and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin,
    all the angels and saints,
    and you, my brothers and sisters,
    to pray for me to the Lord, our God.


    I confess to almighty God
    and to you, my brothers and sisters,
    that I have greatly sinned
    in my thoughts and in my words,
    in what I have done
    and in what I have failed to do,
    through my fault, through my fault,
    through my most grievous fault;
    I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
    all the Angels and Saints,
    and you, my brothers and sisters,
    to pray for me to the Lord our God.

    Class dismissed.


    WYD #6: "The Light Shines in the Darkness & the Darkness Has Not Overcome It" (Jn. 1); WYD Protest Photo

    You, too, must choose a side.  For God or against Him.

    Serviam or non serviam.  "I will serve" or "I will not serve."

    Only these two there are.

    Let us choose Christ the Light!

    I'm so proud of these young Catholics @ WYD who responded to hate with prayer for those against them.

    Which side are you on?

    As the small group of protestors came upon a group of unsuspecting WYD pilgrims, the World Youth Day pilgrims started to chant, "Benedicto!  Benedicto!  Benedicto!"

    Love is stronger than death.

    In this corner.  On the left are the horns of the serpent.  On the right is the Cross of Christ.

    This is the struggle of the "Woman" of Genesis (Ch. 3), John's Gospel (Chs. 2 & 19), & Revelation (Ch. 12) vs. the serpent, whose head will be crushed by the "Woman."

    Which side are you on?

    Remember, even indifference is a choice.  It is a choice against God.

    And lukewarmness is a choice against God.

    In the Book of Revelation, Jesus the Alpha and the Omega said, "So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth" (Rev. 3:16).


    Just like John...three...sixteen.

    "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life" (Jn. 3:16).

    Eternal life.

    Which side are you on?

    Choose life.

    "...I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse.  Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the Lord, your God..." (Deut. 30).

    Let us serve God.

    Let us love Him.

    And let us tell the world of His love.

    Which side are you on?

    HW: Conversion.

    Class dismissed.


    Friday, August 26, 2011

    Dialogue on Philippines reproductive health bill fades, protests renew :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

    The text below is a response I penned to a comment in favor of the RH Bill located here:

    Dialogue on Philippines reproductive health bill fades, protests renew :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

    I, of course, am taking a position against the RH Bill.


    1.) Re: your church-state separation point, the Church brings a unique moral analysis to the political-economic table.  For democratic societies to flourish, by its own principles of democracy, the Church and her bishops have the right to speak out in the marketplace of ideas concerning the common good.

    A church-state collaboration in democratic societies presents a win-win situation for both Church and State.  Each mutually benefits from the other in varied ways when they work together especially to serve the poor and voiceless.

    Yes, I agree with you that educating the public is necessary.  Present the merits of the argument rationally and truth will prevail.  This is why the Catholic Church places great value in reason and natural law arguments in public discourse.  The RH bill is faulty based on reasonable and philosophical arguments.

    2.) Re: the Canada-Philippines comparison, the point in the article is that the Philippines should not follow decaying Western countries with similar reproductive health laws.  The facts you state may be true, but it does not follow that the Canada-Philippines comparison is invalid. 

    Western countries with similar so-called reproductive health laws build a Culture of Death and produce a "dictatorship of moral relativism" where human life is not respected.  Democracies cannot survive with this.

    3.) Re: government officials governing, their power is not absolute.  Otherwise, they turn in to a dictatorship instead of being agents of justice and peace.

    Yes, I agree with you that the Church should concentrate on saving souls.  That is why she speaks out against the so-called Reproductive Health Bill being debated in the Philippines Congress.

    Mabuhay the Philippine Republic!

    Thank you.

    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    Fallen Navy SEAL's Dog Stands Watch By Master's Casket -- Refuses to Leave His Side


    Okay class,

    Today's picture of the day is that of Hawkeye, loyal dog of a fallen U.S. Navy Seal Petty Officer Jon Tumilson.  Click story here.

    There are two lessons for us today:

    1.) First, just as Hawkeye was loyal to his master unto the end, so too should we be to our Master and Friend until the end of our own earthly journey to eternal life. 

    2.) Second, this Scripture passage comes to mind for those who put themselves in harm's way and give the ultimate sacrifice of their lives so that we can be free from tyranny:

    "No one has greater love that this, to lay down one's life for one's friends" (Jn. 15, NAB).

    They wear the uniform and get shot at so that we don't have to.  They go in our place.  Remember that!

    And here's a prayer for the dead, since Scripture tells us that it is good and wholesome to pray for the dead (2 Macc. 12).

    It's good to learn this, and even say it frequently, such as when passing by a cemetery or praying for your relatives and friends who have gone before us.  In the Catholic tradition, someone in the state of grace gains merit for a soul if it is in purgatory.  This is part of the communion of the saints.

    REQUIESCAT IN PACE (Latin for "rest in peace"):

    + Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May they rest in peace.  Amen.

    HW: Learn the prayer above.

    Rest easy, Petty Officer Tumilson.  Hawkeye is here.  Thank you for your sacrifice.

    Class dismissed.

    Update #5 for WYD: Aug. 18-21, 2011


    Good morning class,

    Here's a simple snapshot-outline of the Successor of Peter's agenda and teachings at WYD:

    A.) THURSDAY, AUG. 18, 2011

    1.) To reporters on the airplane to Madrid from Rome: Looking at Church's social doctrine, man is center of economy, not just profits.  Economy works well with respect for good of everyone.

    2.) Beatitudes: "...behavioral patterns from which we resemble the person of Christ: being poor in spirit, hungering for righteousness, merciful, pure of heart, peace loving..." (@ Plaza de Cibeles)

    "say 'Yes' to God..."

    "do not listen to promises of artificial and passing paradises..."

    3.) Planted an olive tree (@ Puerta de Alecla).  The last time His Holiness did this was in the Holy Land.

    This planting seemed to be a quiet ceremony with about 600,000 present.


    B.) FRIDAY, AUG. 19, 2011

    1.) Met with 1,600 young religious (nuns): "The Church needs your youthful fidelity rooted and built up in Christ..."

    2.) Met with 1,500 university professors (most, if not all, under age 40): "Young people need authentic teachers..."

    “As Plato said: ‘Seek truth while you are young, for if you do not, it will later escape your grasp’. This lofty aspiration is the most precious gift which you can give to your students, personally and by example."

    3.) Stations of the Cross: 14 young adults carried the famous WYD Cross.  These 14 were from countries known for persecution of Christians.  The Pope said, “Christ’s passion urges us to take upon our own shoulders the sufferings of the world, in the certainty that God is not distant or far removed from man and his troubles. On the contrary, he became one of us "in order to suffer with man in an utterly real way — in flesh and blood.”

    Prayers were made for victims of war, AIDS, sexual abuse as well as immigrants, the unemployed and Christians who are ashamed of their faith.

    " the face of human is here that God expects you to give of your very best: your capacity for love and compassion.”

    4.) The Pope and many priests heard Confessions.  In fact, priests were granted faculties to remove censure incurred through abortion and welcome them back to the Church.  This is a great act of mercy at WYD where particularly in Madrid, the "abortion mecca of Europe," it is estimated that 1 out of 5 pregnancies end with a direct abortion.

    5.) Lunch with youth representatives.

    6.) The Extraordinary Form of the Mass was celebrated for 1,500 youth.  This is different from the Ordinary Form of the Mass which is what I grew up with.  The Extraordinary Form is also known as the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM).  Here's a local example of the TLM from a friend of mine who is up to date with his blog site here:

    C.) SATURDAY, AUG. 20, 2011

    1.) Met w/5,000 of 6,000 seminarians.  He said, "We should be saints..."

    2.) Declared St. Juan de Avila a new Doctor of the Church.

    San Juan de Avila (1500-1569) reformed the Spanish clergy, contributed to the Council of Trent, and was a friends with St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross.  He is the 34th official Doctor (or "Teacher") of the Church.

    3.) Met w/physically and mentally disabled youth.  Pope Benedict XVI taught, “Dear friends, our society which too often questions the inestimable value of life, of every life needs you: in a decisive way you help to build the civilization of love.”

    4.) The Holy Father met with 12,000 of the 40,000 official volunteers.  He said that the Successor to Peter is asking even more of the volunteers in giving their life to Christ because that is the mission of the Pope.

    5.) At the Saturday Vigil, like Peter and the first Apostles who were buffeted by rain in their boat, Pope Benedict as the 266th Successor of St. Peter and the 1.5 million were interrupted by the rain.  He paused a few minutes shielded by umbrellas.  The youth sang and were joyful in the rain.  He then exclaimed,

    "Thank you for your joy and resistance. Your strength is stronger than the rain. Thank you. The Lord is sending us his blessings with the rain. With this, you're leading by example.”

    6.) Adoration: Thousands of the young Catholics knelt in prayer before their Eucharistic Jesus.

    D.) SUNDAY MASS, AUG. 21, 2011 (for 2 million participants)

    This is the 3rd largest World Youth Day in 26 years, the largest being in Manila in 1995, and the second largest being in Rome in 2000.

    1.)"We can not follow Jesus on our own."  To do so would be to follow a "Counterfeit Jesus":

    “Let me also remind you that following Jesus in faith means walking at his side in the communion of the Church. We can not follow Jesus on our own. Anyone who would be tempted to do so 'on his own', or to approach the life of faith with kind of individualism so prevalent today, will risk never truly encountering Jesus, or will end up following a counterfeit Jesus.”

    I think the Pope here went on the offensive against the "dictatorship of relativism" as seen in an individualistic "me and Jesus only" spirituality that neglects the community of the Church.

    I think this dictatorship or tyranny is a great challenge to the Benedict Generation of today's youth and young adults.  This challenge was not as notable during the era of the JP2 Generation.  Sure, there were forms of moral relativism during the time of the great JP2 Generation, but it is not as severe as it is now for this new generation of young Catholics who will carry the Gospel to the next generation.

    2.) Next World Youth Day 2013 will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!  The Pope announced a few days later that the theme will be "Go and make disciples of all nations."

    3.) As His Holiness departed, he said to His Majesty the King of Spain,

    “Spain is a great nation whose soundly open, pluralistic and respectful society is capable of moving forward without surrendering its profoundly religious and Catholic soul."

    4.) Secular commentators noted the secular media blackout for WYD but the continual coverage of the London Riots and protesters.  How can one not take notice of 2 million young adults and youth?  When the United Nations put on a conference for youth and young adults, it generated a handful at the most.

    5.) WYD Madrid was expected to bring in around $130 million to Spain, but first estimates showed that it brought $230 million to a country which has the highest unemployment rate in the industrialized world.

    6.) This was Papa Benny's second visit to Spain.

    7.) Viva il Papa!  What an exciting weekend!

    HW: None.  T'was a busy class today.


    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    WYD Update #4: St. Rose of Lima & Santa Rosa, CA


    For Northern California and Bay Area Catholics particularly today, we celebrate the first canonized saint born in the Americas: St. Rose of Lima (1586-1617).

    The Diocese of Santa Rosa, which was recently blessed with a new ordinary, Bishop Robert F. Vasa, as the 6th Bishop of Santa Rosa, is named after this saint.  All of the S.R. Diocese touches the Pacific Ocean along the western coastland of California and reaches from Sonoma County up to the Oregon border.

    The history of the diocese of this rose saint has roots in the last of Bl. Junipero Serra's mission which was founded in Sonoma in 1823, on the Feast of  St. Rose of Lima.

    The lay Dominican saint is also one of the patron saints for World Youth Day Madrid.

    HW: Consider visiting this area and learning more of the historical roots of our Faith in Northern California.


    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Update #3 for WYD Madrid: Let No One Take Your Peace Away

    This photo shows the Holy Father talking to reporters somewhere over the Mediterranean Sea as he approaches Madrid from Rome.  I’ve never seen a picture of him like this.   

    His hair and face look different.  My Papa Benny reminds me of my own Grandpa Benny (d. 1988).

    But I’d love to have half the Pope’s wits and brains and heart when I’m half His Holiness’s age.

    And even though he’s well over twice my age, this picture makes me just wanna cry out:

    “The Pope is young!  The Pope is young!”

    This reminded me of the time at WYD Toronto (2002) when we did this with Bl. John Paul the Great.  We just kept chanting, “The Pope is young!  The Pope is young!”, when the ailing John Paul said the Pope is old.

    How they love their spiritual father.

    There is something AWESOME about these two great Popes – John Paul & Benedict – that makes the ancient message ever new for our time.

    When Benedict XVI landed at the airport, the King and Queen of Spain welcomed him.

    The Glory of the Olive, who plans to plant an olive tree during World Youth Day, connected with our times and said:

    "Many young people stare into the future with fear, given the current employment situation…. Let no one take your peace away. Do not be ashamed of the Lord. He became one of us and experienced our troubles."

    Let no one take your peace away.  Don't be ashamed of the Lord.

    HW: Check out the new YouCat.
