It gives me great pleasure to announce Mr. P.'s Blog "Teacher of the Month Award" for September 2011.
He has most likely reached more people online than he would preaching a single homily from a pulpit.
For his priestly presence bringing the Gospel to the blogosphere world, this month's "Teacher of the Month Award" for September 2011 is a priest-blogger selected by the Pope to become the youngest bishop in Canada and, at the time of this blog, the second youngest bishop in the world!"Put out in to the deep." His name is Father -- ahem -- I mean, Bishop Thomas Dowd.
Be The Straw: My Filipino Identity: A statue of San Lorenzo Ruiz - a gift from Blessed John Paul II - found in the Sentro Pilipino in Rome. A few months ago, as we were tou...
40 Days for Life is a community-based campaign that draws attention to the evil of abortion through the use of a three-point program:
Prayer and fasting
Constant vigil
Community outreach
40 Days for Life takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families. It puts into action a desire to cooperate with God in the carrying out of His plan for the end of abortion in America.
The 40-day campaign tracks Biblical history, where God used 40-day periods to transform individuals, communities ... and the entire world. From Noah in the flood to Moses on the mountain to the disciples after Christ's resurrection, it is clear that God sees the transformative value of His people accepting and meeting a 40-day challenge.
Vision and mission
40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion in America.
The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion in America.
These seminarians from St. Patrick's Seminary & University in Menlo Park, CA decided to make this video to celebrate the Feast of St. Lorenzo Ruiz of Manila.
If you've never been to a seminary before, you can see the background of what a seminary looks like. A seminary is a place where Catholic priests are formed for service. They receive extensive and specialized training before they are ordained.
For more information, on St. Lorenzo Ruiz's life, click HERE.
He is known for saying this following:
Isa akong Katoliko at buong pusong tinatanggap ang kamatayan para sa Panginoon, kung ako man ay may sanlibong buhay, lahat ng iyon ay iaalay ko sa Kanya.
TRANSLATION: "I am a Catholic and wholeheartedly accept death for the Lord; if I have a thousand lives, all of them I will offer to Him."
I've also heard another phrase: "I would rather die a thousand deaths than renounce my Faith."
It's great to always see canonized married saints!
Here's a list of San Lorenzo Ruiz's companions (source can be found HERE):
St. Lorenzo Ruiz and Companions by Lourdes Oben Santos (1981)
DOMINGO Domingo Ibanez , Spanish, Dominican priest . Born in Reginato (San Sebastian ), son of the Province of Spain to his affiliation with the Rosary Province . In Manila teaches at the College of St. Thomas and preach the Gospel in different parts of the Philippines . Went to Japan in 1623, where he worked incognito . Denounced by a Christian apostate is imprisoned and executed. Played an important role as the Vicar Provincial of the mission. It retains some of his letters. Age , 44.
FRANCISCO SHOYEMON , Japanese, cooperator Dominican . Companion of Fr Domingo Ibanez . Arrested in 1633, the Dominican habit in jail. He was killed alongside his spiritual father.
SANTIAGO KYUSHEI Tomonaga DE SANTA MARIA , Japanese, Dominican priest . family noble Christian Kyudetsu studying with the Jesuits in Nagasaki. Expelled from Japan in 1614 as a catechist. In Manila became a priest , a missionary in Taiwan , returns to his homeland in 1632 , in order to help their fellow Christians. He is arrested and tortured, killed, "because religious and propagated the faith " . It is the oldest of the group: 51.
MIGUEL KUROBIOYE , Japanese , lay catechist. Companion of Fr Santa Maria , OP, is imprisoned and tortured, he revealed the hiding place of P. of Santa Maria. Repentant, goes with him to martyrdom , confessing their faith.
LUCAS ALONSO DEI . SPIRIT HOLY , Spanish, Dominican priest . Born in Carracedo (Astorga ) , a Dominican of the Province of Spain , passed the Rosary Province in 1617. Professor at the Colegio de Santo Tomas in Manila , missionary Cagayan in 1623 went to Japan where he worked with great courage and risked their lives for ten years. Arrested in Osaka in 1633 , was tortured and martyred in Nagasaki. Age , 39.
MATEO KOHIOYE DEL ROSARIO , Japanese , born in Arima. Catechist and assistant B. Lucas Alonso, a novice of the Order. Arrested in Osaka in 1633 , rejects any proposal for money and endured horrible torture and remain faithful to Christ until his death. He was 18 .
1634 (October -November)
MAGDALENA DE NAGASAKI , Japanese, tertiary Augustinian and Dominican . Daughter of martyred Christians , is devoted to God and spiritually guided by the Augustinian Recollect and then the Dominican Ansalone . After the arrest of Father Ansalone , she presented to the emergency proclaimed Christian . Tortured in a cruel, firm in her faith , is hung from the gallows where he remained alive for thirteen days.
NAVY OMURA , Japan. In 1626 he joined the Dominican Third Order , being a great help to the missionaries. Arrested in 1634 and submitted to shameful humiliation and finally led to the stake , giving a sublime example of "strong woman . "
JACINTO JORDAN Ansalon , Italian, Dominican priest . Native S. Stefano Quisquina (Agrigento ), son of the Province of Sicily, passed to the Holy Rosary Province . In the Philippines , he worked among the poor and sick . In 1632 he went to Japan , where he worked for two years. Arrested in 1634 , supports strongly torture, and is hung from the gallows. Age , 36 years.
THOMAS HIOJI NISHI DE SAN JACINTO , Japanese, Dominican priest . Son of martyred Christians of Hirado , and pupil of the Jesuits' College . Expelled from their country by persecution, emigrated to Manila in 1614 . Student at the College of St. Thomas , moved to missions Taiwan , returning later to his homeland in full religious persecution. Among great perils for five years. Arrested , tortured and sentenced to death. Age , 44.
1637 (September)
In 1636 the Dominicans in Manila organized an expedition of volunteers to help Christians in Japan. When they reached the island of Okinawa were arrested and kept in prison more than a year before being transferred and sentenced to death by the tribunal of Nagasaki. They are:
ANTONIO GONZALEZ , Spanish, Dominican priest . Natural de León , is a Dominican in the Province of Spain and then passed to the Holy Rosary Province and moved to Manila in 1631 , where he will be professor and rector of St. Thomas , being a man of much prayer and penance. In 1636 a group of missionaries to Japan , where he is promptly arrested and dies in jail after a year , worn out by the tortures . Age, 45 years.
MIGUEL DE AOZARAZA , Spanish, Dominican priest . Natural Oñate ( Guipúzcoa ), enter as a Dominican in the province of Spain and then passed to the Holy Rosary Province . In the Philippines working at Mission Bataan ( Luzon) . He refused to give his faith and accepted with joy tremendous suffering. Age , 39.
VICENTE SCHIWOZUKA DE LA CRUZ, Japanese, Dominican priest . family Christian , a pupil of the Jesuits' College and a catechist. In 1614 he was expelled from Japan for being a Christian . In Manila became a priest and worked among the Japanese exiles . Before returning to his homeland with the P. Gonzalez, the Dominican habit in 1636. After a year in prison and tortured him to apostatize , but he soon goes to the classmates road gallows , professing their faith.
LAZARUS OF KYOTO, Japan , secular . He contracted leprosy and was deported with other lepers in the Philippines. In 1636 he joined as a guide and interpreter Fr Gonzalez, not withstanding torture, deny for a few hours but then repented and died for Christ with others.
Lorenzo Ruiz , Filipino, layman. Born in Binondo (Manila ) Chinese father and Filipino mother . Educated by the Dominicans and assistant their , becoming a member of the Confraternity of the Rosary. He married and fathered three children. Involved in a dark bloody event , joined the group P. Order to escape. He was arrested and declared himself ready to give life a thousand times by Christ. He is the first martyr of the Philippines.
Miracle proposed for Canonization
Occurred in Manila in 1983 through the group in favor of Cecilia Alegria Policarpio , child of two years, cured completely and permanently cerebral palsy anatomical and functional , with no effective therapy. The miracle was recognized by Pope John Paul II on June 1, 1987.
This song just kept popping up in my heart whenever I thought about the Twin Hearts of Jesus and Mary these past few weeks.
The line that especially struck me was "Two hearts / Two hearts that beat as one..."
I am reminded of how, according to a pious tradition, it is said that Mary wanted to die along with her Son as He was dying on the Cross. It is said that she, being the ever-obedient handmaid, accepted God's will that she not die.
The infant Church needed her to remain.
Of course, this is not recorded in the Scriptures. But there is artistic license taken in The Passion of the Christ (2004). In this movie, Mary asks her Son to die with him as He hung for three hours on the Cross.
At that point, the Crucified gave her over to John when He said, "Woman, behold your son." And to the disciple whom He loved, "Behold your mother." Now that is in the Scriptures.
How great was her agony! Her heart united with His! What love! I am unworthy to even pen (blog) how to capture it in writing.
Maybe that's why John's Gospel -- or any Gospel -- for that matter "hides" the Woman. They cannot capture the profundity of the love between Mother and Son.
Who would dare even attempt to capture what should be mysterious? You know what I mean? It's like when you try to explain something really deep to someone, but in the very act of explaining it it doesn't do justice to the emotion of the heart. Therefore, it is better left unsaid or unwritten.
It is respected and veiled.
I know you know what I'm talking about 'cause we've all had those moments.
How can people not honor her for having undergone such a holy event with the Son of God?
We honor other people for undergoing incredible human tragedies. But we don't honor her enough!
O, Sorrowful Mother, Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
Luther Vandross and Mariah Carey seem like decent artists. The lyrics to Endless Love (1994), based on the original Endless Love (1981) by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross, are below.
If you want to enjoy the lyrics, click the "Read more" link below and play the song above.
Also, here are some points to highlight from the General Directory for Catechesis (1997) regarding the formation of catechists. They are taken from GDC 33, 232-233 and 235. To full the GDC document in its entirety, click HERE.
Some challenges for catechesis
33. In order to express its vitality and to be efficacious, catechesis today…needs to consider as its primary task the preparation and formation of catechists in the deep riches of the faith.
Various types of catechists particularly necessary today
232. The figure of the catechist in the Church, has different modes, just as, the needs of catechesis are varied. ... Every local Church, by analysing her own cultural and religious situation, will discover her own needs and will realistically foster those kinds of catechists which she needs. The organization and orientation of the formation of catechists is a fundamental responsibility.
Pastoral care of catechists in a Particular Church
233. To ensure the working of the catechetical ministry in a local Church, it is fundamental to have adequate pastoral care of catechists. Several elements must be kept in mind in this respect. Indeed efforts must be made…to organize adequately the formation of catechists, both in relation to basic training and continuing formation.
Nature and purpose of the formation of catechists
235. Formation seeks to enable catechists to transmit the Gospel to those who desire to entrust themselves to Jesus Christ. The purpose of formation, therefore, is to make the catechist capable of communicating: "The summit and centre of catechetical formation lies in an aptitude and ability to communicate the Gospel message". *(See GDC footnote below.)
The christocentric purpose of catechesis, which emphasizes the communion of the convert with Jesus Christ, permeates all aspects of the formation of catechists (CT 21). This aim is nothing other than to lead the catechist to know how to animate a catechetical journey of which, the necessary stages are: the proclamation of Jesus Christ; making known his life by setting it in the context of salvation history; explanation of the mystery of the Son of God, made man for us; and finally to help the catechumen, or those being catechized, to identify with Jesus Christ through the sacraments of initiation. (Cf. CT 20; St Augustine, De catechizandis rudibus, I, chap. 4, n. 8; CCL 46, 128-129.) With continuing catechesis, the catechist merely tries to deepen these basic elements. This christological perspective touches directly upon the identity of the catechist and his preparation. "The unity and harmony of the catechist must be read in this christocentric light and built around a profound familiarity with Christ and the Father, in the Spirit" (Cf. CT 21b).
*Footnote from GDC 235: Two things need to be underlined in this synodal contribution taken from Catechesi Tradendae: the preoccupation to take into account a pastoral problem ("I insist on the necessity of an organic and systematic Christian education because for diverse reasons there has been a tendency to minimize its importance"), and the fact of considering the organic nature of catechesis as the principal characteristic connoting it.
On a lighter note, enjoy this video and quote on Jedi training:
"Only a fully trained Jedi Knight, with the Force as his ally, will conquer Vader and his Emperor. If you end your training now - if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did - you will become an agent of evil." - Master Yoda from Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Loving God, You speak to us
and nourish us through the
life of this church community.
In the name of Jesus, we ask you
to send your Spirit to us so that
men and women among us, young
and old, will respond to your call to
service and leadership in the Church.
We pray, especially, in our day, for
those who hear your invitation to
be a priest, sister, brother, or deacon.
May those who are opening their hearts
and minds to your call be encouraged
and strengthened through our enthusiasm
in your service.
HW: Check out the diocesan website for more information on how to promote a culture of vocations HERE.
Today, we celebrate the Feast of St. Matthew the Evangelist.
He was one of the Twelve Apostles.
For you visual learners, here are two famous paintings on St. Matthew completed by Caravaggio between 1599-1600:
The Calling of Saint Matthew
A key point in the painting is Matthew's personal encounter with Jesus as seen in the light that shines on Matthew. For more information, click HERE.
The second visual for today is The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew, also completed between 1599-1600:
The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew
A key point for the painting is that it seems, at first glance, to focus on Matthew's half-naked murderer. Evil seems to take center stage. However, the real central point of the painting is Matthew, not the murderer. Matthew seems to resist his murderer with his right hand but a deeper look reveals that it is really a transformation of his resistance to acceptance of the palm of martyrdom, which the angel above places in the same right hand.
When the Twelve Apostles were dispersed throughout the world, it is said that Matthew was sent to either Ethiopia or Iran.
For more information on the Dispersion of the Apostles, click HERE.